Saturday, May 21, 2011


hummus has been my main meal starter this weekend... i absolutely love that stuff! it's amazing! i put it on bread, sprinkle some vegan cheese, sliced olives, maybe some left over food (i get bored, and experiment with food) and it always tastes delicious!!!! yum yum!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


hurray for cq! i am getting paid to pull somebody's 24 hour shift, and all i'm going to do is complete ALL homework, read, watch gilmore girls, and maybe spend a tiny bit more time than i normally would on the internet...

I hate the shoppete here, the only things that are vegan are:
-tortilla chips/corn chips
-plain bean dip (they don't even carry the enchilada one...)
-a microwave asian noodle thing (but it's got 410 calories... so i don't really like eating it)
done. nothing else. stupid shoppette. So, I am munching on chips with beans and salsa, and i'll probably make a Thai food run, or try and cook something later for dinner.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


so, it's been a hot minute since i've been on here. i was reading vegnews and (it was an older one) they had a vegan bucket list. one of the things was to write a book, or a blog. i already have one, so i thought i'd be more avid about it.

i had a 2 1/2 weeks of meat eating period. i feel bad about it now, but i had to. being in the army, i had a field exercise. unfortunately, i had to eat what was provided. MRE's give me the runs, so i was relying on breakfast and dinner from the dfac (dinning facility). ya, that wasn't so hot either. not only did it give me the runs, but my meals consisted of:
breakfast: fruit cup and as many apples as i could grab
dinner: salad, green beans, more salad, and if there was any fruit left... fruit.
beans? no. grains at all? sometimes for breakfast. so, in order to not pass out and/or start screaming at people, i did consume packaged tuna and cheese when i needed to. but, i'm back to being vegan, and will try and plan the next one a little better. (i.e. invest in tofu jerky and stuff like that)

i have a guy at work who is interested in vegetarianism, and i'm hoping that he converts. he sees why people do it, but he has the stigmatism about men eating meat, and doesn't want the scorn that he sees i get everyday. hopefully it works out.

that's it for now,
keep it green!!!!