Monday, February 6, 2012

Cost of being a Vegan

Sometimes when I am discussing vegetarian/vegan and so on, and a common arguement that people have is that eating a vegetarian diet would cost them too much. So, in honor of being a vegan, and having a blog (that's about it) I am going to lay out what I ate, or what I'm going to eat, and the cost, per serving, and total (if i use half an onion, i still have to buy a full onion). Then, for a cost comparison, whenever Kenny makes something with meat I'll compare the cost with my meal.

I'll start that as soon as I make a meal plan for the week, and go to the store.

On a caveat, one of my issues with the "it costs too much" argument is that a lot of times people who don't eat vegetarian only see the fake meats and cheeses and, honestly, they do cost more than the non-vegetarian types. I don't eat a lot of those... actually hardly eat them at all. Why? Well, they're not very healthy, and they taste aweful. The only time I eat any of that is soy milk, but just for my cereal, or a cream sauce. I'd love to try and make a nut milk, but I just haven't done it yet.

Tofu is one of those things that I do use, but not a lot. I have a block maybe a week for both Kenny and I. Not a block a day, but it's still a semi-staple in my diet.

That's it for now, enjoy being Vegan,

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