Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Vegan Challenge--Day 1

So, it is officially Day 1! I'm more excited than ever! Sounds silly, right? Well, you'd be excited too if you've got what I do to eat! I'm focusing more on planning and preparing meals so I'm not stuck in too many sticky situations. So, here's what I have done so far:

Last night, I made a (delicious) vegetable curry, with leeks, onion, garlic, bell pepper, brocolli, and tofu. I love all of those things individually, and to throw them in the same pot with delicious, creamy curry sauce just makes me smile! Then, after dinner, I made breakfast (tofu scramble) for the next few days because I'm going to have limited time to make a nutritious breakfast. Then, I packed up kenny and myself a lunch of curry with rice for today.

Ok, so yesturday's focus was on cleaning out any non-vegan food you might (and probably) have. Today, I'm going to focus on something different than what's in the book I'm reading: What to do in a rut--last minute vegan meal ideas for hungry, busy people.

First off, some things you may not know are vegan should be stated: bread (most breads, but not all) hummus, tortilla and corn chips (but if you get flavored ones, look on the ingrediants list for milk), a lot of cereals (like fruit loops, life, and reese's peanut butter puffs---all taste good with soy milk), CRACKER JACKS!, (my all time favorite sweet for road trips), ramen noodles (without the seasoning packet**look for a recipe on my other page**), and so much more.
These foods are good for one of those moments where you're starving, but just need a little of food to get you to the store... i love putting hummus on bell pepper slices!

Once you realise what else is vegan than you knew (nutter butters. nutter butters are vegan.) you can more easily find something to tie you over until you can get some real food.

I hope this helps!

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