Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy December!

So, I've fallen off of the wagon for a bit, but this month, i'm going to try and be 100% Vegan the whole time! I'm excited, because Kenny made me curry tonight, and made sure to not accidentally make it non-vegan. (It's pretty hard, but it's possible). So, tomorrow, I'm having a big breakfast of fruit and german bread (i LOVE it). Lunch? Curry leftovers!

Dinner? I'm going to be creative. i have all sorts of veggies in my fridge, and grains, tofu, and beans. So, the sky is the limit!

If anybody is actually reading this, and you have some ideas, here's some of what I have:
asparagus, onions, bell peppers, green onions, leeks, and a carrot (only one, i ate the rest)
also, a bunch of different salad greens were on sale at the store, so i can just go back.... and they're the GOOD salad greens, not that nasty iceburg lettuce garbage that's 99% water.

Well, in other news, i've been riding my bike to work all week, and i am totally loving it. There's no snow yet, so i'm still enjoying nice (brisk) mornings, and dark (snow free) evenings. Saturday, i'm going to attempt to get around all on bike. Sunday i have to go somewhere 45 minutes away in a car.... not happening on a bike, sorry.

That's it for today, and maybe I'll start posting more often.

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