Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wow, I haven't posted in a while. Sorry about that guys, I've been super busy, and without internet for a while. I am currently sitting in a temporary room, using an internet stick which means that my connection is slow, and not very trust worthy.

On the vegan front, it's not been so good. My microwave doesn't work, and I don't have any cooking stuff anymore, so i've been stuck with mostly raw foods, or out to eat. Awesome.

Today is the day; the day I final-out. Final-out is when you are completely done with everything, you've cleared every office that you have to, and you are ready to fly to your next duty station. Everything is done. I hope no curve balls get thrown at me, but I don't think there will be.

I'm super excited, but a little nervous as well. This is it, I'm done, finished, ready to go, move away from Germany, from my home for the last 2 years, from the country and culture that has shown me so much. Now, I'm moving to a country that thinks pizza is a vegetable, where vegan is seen as a disease, and if somebody exercises more that 3 times a week, they're obsessive, not just trying to get in shape. Don't get me wrong, I love America, I love being able to call people during the day, and not at 11 at night. I love that if I've got an upset stomach at 11 o'clock at night on a sunday, I can go to the store to get some medicine. I also love that it is becoming more easy for a vegan to eat out without just ordering a salad. (Something that Germany lacks ever so slightly.)

I'll keep everybody updated on my travels. Wish me luck!

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