Sunday, August 22, 2010


So, i've been watching MAD MEN this weekend, and it was kind of funny to watch the women's goals only being to make their husband happy... it was hilarious. So, as a little tribute, I made my friends dinner tonight. It was a nice vegetarian pasta, and they actually liked it! It was from VEGETARIAN MAGAZINE, PG 34 the vegan one with artichoke hearts and sundried tomatoes. It was DELICIOUS! I didn't have the wine, but it was good without it. Next time, i'm going to try to make it with the wine.

Can you imagine if we still lived like they are portrayed in MAD MEN? The women raised the children, were expected to make dinner, and smile in their **gorgeous** giant dresses. I think it would be fun to be like that, but only once in a while. I don't think that I would be able to do that for very long. Especially since all of the men in that show cheat on their wives... nope, i much happier working in the army, cooking dinner for a group of hungry guys, who act like children, and being just me.

i bought some meat when i had gone grocery shopping, but i think i'm just going to give it away, or eat it up, but not get anymore. i want to be a vegan again. i like having some sort of title, and especially one that means something...

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