Sunday, March 25, 2012

A busy week ahead

So, it's Sunday, and what a beautiful Sunday it was, too. The sun kept its glory by shining the entire day again, and it was even warmer than it was yesturday! I had a great time at the BBQ I went to; brought a dozen veggie covered skewers that were amazing. I also brought some blue tortilla chips with salsa, and the Germans that were hosting it thought the chips were the coolest things ever.

This last week was busy, stressful, and fun. This next week is guaranteed to be the first two again, and I'm going to try and make it the third. Most importantly, I am going to my first ever yoga class tomorrow after work. Unfortunately, I don't have a yoga mat, but they should have extras for the people in the world like myself. I'm super excited, and I hope I like it. I'm all about trying new things, and I love love LOVE fast pace exercise. But, since I'm prone to stressing about every little thing, I believe yoga should help me out.

Also coming up this week:
  • Brief. I have to present my latest project at work to the Colonel. I'm super nervous, but I'm confident in the project. I have been researching this for about a month and a half, and I know all the ins and outs. So, hopefully it shows.
  • Lots of online training for work. It's a neccessary evil of the army. Unfortunately. It's all due on Monday, and I wasn't informed about it until Thursday, so lots of catching up is in order!
  • Finish and mail off the wedding invites.
  • Find Bridesmaids dressess
  • Decide on what vegan food will be served at the wedding. (There will be lots of vegan food, we've decided, with only 1 appetizer containing meat, and one option for the main course. Best Fiance ever for at least giving me that many options!!)
  • Start packing everything to get it shipped for the PCS!!

Ok, it may not seem that busy to you guys, but I guarantee, it will just get more stuff added to it as soon as I get to work.

For my vegan discussion point today, I'd like to quickly touch up on one thing that's been bothering me today. I was informed by a few people that vegetarians/vegans don't know what they're talking about in respects to our diets can help people loose weight and become overall healthier. For the non-veggies reading this (are you out there?) do you know at least one vegetarian/vegan? Are they overweight? They might be, yes, but for the most part a diet full of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins will NOT make you fat. If the person eats nothing but vegan brownies, then okay, fine, you got me. That is the only exception I can see. If you're eating as many vegetables as I am, add some fruits, and lots of beans, then what room is there for artery clogging meat? None. Opinions?

Have a great, sunny, week Veg-heads!

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