Saturday, March 10, 2012

Goals and other great things...

Hello everybody!! So, here's another *exciting* post while at WLC!! This blog entry's topic is going to be on my plans for this blog. My goals, what routines I'd like to start, and so forth.

Let's first talk about my goals. I'd like to start becoming more avid of a blogger. This is an obvious one for anybody who reads back into my blog further. I want to become more consistant, keeping up with my travels (there aren't a lot, but there are some amazing ones.) and include the different aspects that the Army puts into play for me.

Now, my routine goals. I'd like to post every Sunday with a sort of "Goals and Plans for the Week" / "What I've learned this week." Sundays are my days for reflection, and I'm becoming more all around Vegan, so I think that reflecting on how it's effecting myself, and people around me is a neat idea. Also, if I have any fun plans coming up, and so forth.
On Tuesday's, I think I'll start posting about Army related things; this could mean anything from the ridicule I get, to the food I was offered (vegan sausage at the brunch?? Awesome!) These may not be the most consistant, but I really think that some of it should be shared. It shows that not everybody in the army is a meat head that eats bacon, bacon, and more bacon.
Thursdays can be my Random blogging day. Gym Rants (see previous posts), fun new clothes, and who knows. It's the day to just write if I have the time.
Saturdays I'm planning to take pictures of everything I eat, just to show that there IS vegan food in Heidelberg. Maybe not a lot, but there is.

If this becomes too much, I'll scale back, but I'm going to give it my best shot, so wish me luck!!

As for today, I had my new version of a sunny-side up egg. Instead of a chicken's ovulation on my plate, i had a little bowl with applesauce, then two peach halves (cut side down) in the apple sauce. I sprinkled some raisins, some cinnimon, and some walnut chunks on top. I only call them my "Vegan Sunny-Side Up Eggs" because of the way the peaches happened to land when I plopped them in the apple sauce. It's really delicious (I cut up the peaches) and it's got the walnuts for some healthy fats and protein. I'd prefer some pumpkins seeds next time, but only because I put pumpkin seeds in just about everything. I also ate a banana with some peanut butter. YUM!!!

For lunch, they had a vegan pasta with a tomato sauce (it wasn't that bad for once) with a TON of brocolli, bell peppers, onion, and squash pieces. I was quite the happy camper. Well, between that, and the fresh green beans, not canned, I couldn't have gotten much of a better lunch from an Army DFAC.

I haven't had dinner yet, but I hope that it ends just as well as my day had began. I know that I had mentioned last time that I was eating eggs. After I wrote that, I realized that if there is still food being offered to me that I can eat, there's no reason to eat the eggs. So, I am back to full time vegan! (Hence the fake eggs for breakfast.) I hope the vegan community will forgive me (and if they don't, whatever.)

Peace out Veg-heads

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